The Mercy of God that Changes the Actions of Christians Date: April 18, 2021 Bible Text: John 21 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John The Mercy of God that Changes the Actions of ChristiansSound Booth2021-04-18T11:39:39+00:00
The Necessary Atonement in the Death of Christ Date: March 28, 2021 Bible Text: John 19:16b-42 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John The Necessary Atonement in the Death of ChristSound Booth2021-03-28T11:48:55+00:00
The Powerful Authority of God Date: March 21, 2021 Bible Text: John 19:1-16a | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John The Powerful Authority of GodSound Booth2021-03-21T11:52:42+00:00
Bearing Witness to the Truth Date: March 14, 2021 Bible Text: John 18:28-40 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John Bearing Witness to the TruthSound Booth2021-03-14T11:52:12+00:00
Trust in Times of Trial Date: March 7, 2021 Bible Text: John 18:1-27 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John Trust in Times of TrialSound Booth2021-03-07T11:56:25+00:00
The Disciples Sorrow Has Become Our Peace Date: February 21, 2021 Bible Text: John 16:16-33 | Jordan Kalm Series: Gospel of John The Disciples Sorrow Has Become Our PeaceSound Booth2021-02-21T11:24:44+00:00
How the Holy Spirit Brings Truth Date: February 14, 2021 Bible Text: John 16:4b-15 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John How the Holy Spirit Brings TruthSound Booth2021-02-14T11:44:28+00:00
Faithfulness Through Persecution Date: February 7, 2021 Bible Text: John 15:18-16:4 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John Faithfulness Through PersecutionSound Booth2021-02-07T12:10:48+00:00
John 15 1-17 Date: January 31, 2021 Bible Text: John 15 1-17 | Troy Turner Series: Gospel of John John 15 1-17Sound Booth2021-01-31T11:45:58+00:00
The Rewards of Obedience Date: January 24, 2021 Bible Text: John 14:15-31 | Paul Gard Series: Gospel of John The Rewards of ObedienceSound Booth2021-01-24T11:47:35+00:00